Thursday, 17 February 2011

UK Film Council

The UK film Council is the Government backed lead agency  for the film in the UK. These films are effectively represented at home (UK) and abroad. The UK film council was created in the 2000. Sinces its creation, the UK film Council has been the funder of many cultural films. They have backed more than 900 films and entertained more than 200 million people and have helped to generate 700£ million at the box-office, worldwide. Tim Bevan- co-founder and co-chairman of WTF is also the chairman for this.
TimCagney is the managing director. We work with a lot of different partners, for example: BFI, Skillset, First Light and FILMCLUB. With there support, new film makers get the funds they need and creates a wider choice of films for the audience, they also invest in training, promoting Britain as an international filmmaking location and raising the profile of British Films abroad. They have 15million a year to invest across the development, production and completion of feature films.


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