Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Tormented opening sequence analysis

Tormented was directed by Jon Wright.
The film had an estimated budget of £700,000 and was produced by BBC Films, Pathé and Forward Films.   

Tormented is a low budget British horror released in 2009. It is about a school student who commits suicide after being bullied and ‘tormented’ as the title of the film suggests and comes back to get revenge on the people that bullied him, by sending threatening texts and then murdering them one by one and making the pupils turn on one another in the process.
Tormented begins with head girl Justine, being taken out of the High School by police which establishes the setting and as she is wearing school uniform it is immediately clear she is in high school.
It then cuts to a flashback 5 days earlier and Justine is reading a speech at a funeral for a student who has committed suicide.
This introduces the audience to the dark themes of the film as there is a death introduced within the fist 2 minutes of the film. The speech also shows again that it is a British film through the British accents. The British way of speaking and humour is shown throughout the film through one-liners which is typical of British films.
The use of the flashback in the film shows that there something to be solved with in the plot of the film, in this case that the students are being murdered and throughout the film we see that it is the dead boy killing them, however Justine being arrested suggests to the audience she is the killer. This intrigues the audience and draws them in as there is a mystery to be solved and gaps in the narrative to be filled in. We are going to use a flashback in the film and if it works should have an effect similar effect of intriguing the audience.  


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