Sunday, 13 February 2011

Script Idea's: Voice Over

So far the idea for the main film is to use a voice over of out main character after she has been killed. So far the script for this means it would be quite short, which is perfect for the shot we are hoping to have it play over. Although we have not come up with a character name yet we will decide on one soon.

The First idea for the voice over is:
My name is ........ and I was just like everyone else, until one day I wasn't anymore. I was happy, I had a good life, it wasn't perfect but it was mine. Until it was taken from me. But lets go back to the beginning. This is the story of how I died.

Another idea for the voice over is:
My name is ........ and that's me lying dead on the ground. I had a good life and I was happy, until it was taken away. But back to where it all started.


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