Sunday, 20 February 2011


The second day of filming also went well but there were some things to consider about before starting to record. Such as, the angles we're going to use changed because of the lighting, we couldn't use the shot we planned because the lighting would create problems. Also there was a car in the way that we needed to consider because the car wasn't part of the scene and the road was near and cars kept passing by which also created a problem due to the sound effects in the background.

However, overall we worked out our angles and the positioning of the camera and everything that we planned to record was done. Now we have completed half of our film sequence which is a huge satisfaction, we have also planned what we will be doing for the next recording day.

The pictures taken by Becky for the backstage shows how much time we spent thinking about our angles and the positioning of everything. The pictures also show how much fun we had doing the recording.

P.S. this time do not forget GLOVES... it's cold there!
Duresh x

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