Thursday, 24 February 2011

About the use of blood

Looking at the final outcome of the sequence and the pics Becky has taken, i am so pleased with the make-up i did on Sarah. Some of cuts looked really real. I am also pleased with the overall look of the scene and how the make- up had a great impact on the situation.

Duresh x

Day 3: filming (LAST DAY)

Today was our last day of filming and we were very pleased with this. There was positive and negative points for today:
Negative- were that due to the rain on Wednesday, it was extremely muddy this made it hard for us to record in certain places. For point of view running scene it was hard for Sarah and Mahida to run in the mud. For that particular scene it took us approx. 20-30 mins.
There were many positive points for today- even with finding the perfect location that wasn't muddy,we finished our recording on time.
Particularly for me, i was extremely excited for the death scene. So that i can apply make-up on Sarah (the blood and everything)

Duresh x

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Filming Day Cancelled

Today we were planning on filming more for the opening sequence. However due to the weather we couldnt because it would affect the lighting and show that we didnt think about the lighting and weather which we should do. Although we have lost  a day of filming, we are going to have a whole day of filming so that we know that we have filmed everything. Hopefully everything will go to plan and we will be on schedule so we have more time editing to make sure it is a piece of continuety editing (no jump shots) which shows off our editing skills .


Sunday, 20 February 2011

where to put the blood?

 I took these pics so I can work out where to put blood on Scarlet but I've realized that in this pic her head is tilted too much. So I have decided to change some things but this is the basic outline of the position. And also I wasn't sure that if is looked effective if Scarlet's eyes were opened.
For this pic, I changed my mind about Scarlet opening her eyes but I'm still not sure because if SOMETHING has killed her terrifically and her eyes are opened it conotates that she died a horrific death. I think she should have a scar on her left hand side on top of the eye brow, a bruise on the right hand side on the head. Her left ear ripped along the side, her right side of the lip thorn and the blood dripping on the side of her head and creating a puddle of blood on the floor. Also Scarlet is not wearing any pendant because I was thinking she could have nail marks on the front of her neck.  

I wasn't thinking of this position is particular but this is just the basic outline of how she might be, with one shoe on and the other beside her. However, I do know the positions may change on the day but not massively.

Duresh x 


I am having problems with making the blood which will be used on Scarlet (Sarah). I have tried using different types of ingredients to make the perfect solution but I'm still making difficulties with removing it afterwards. I don't want to create the solution, use it on Sarah and after the recording is over, realize that I can't remove it.

I will need to use another ingredient to make it PERFECT!

Duresh x


The second day of filming also went well but there were some things to consider about before starting to record. Such as, the angles we're going to use changed because of the lighting, we couldn't use the shot we planned because the lighting would create problems. Also there was a car in the way that we needed to consider because the car wasn't part of the scene and the road was near and cars kept passing by which also created a problem due to the sound effects in the background.

However, overall we worked out our angles and the positioning of the camera and everything that we planned to record was done. Now we have completed half of our film sequence which is a huge satisfaction, we have also planned what we will be doing for the next recording day.

The pictures taken by Becky for the backstage shows how much time we spent thinking about our angles and the positioning of everything. The pictures also show how much fun we had doing the recording.

P.S. this time do not forget GLOVES... it's cold there!
Duresh x

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Preparing for day 2 of shooting

At the moment our group is preparing for the first day of shooting our main task. As my house is very close to where we are shooting we have decided it will be our base and where we will prepare for filming. We are making sure make-up and costume will be right. I am a little nervous for shooting tomorrow as it very important our group to make a good quality film.


Day 1- filming

Today it was our first day of filming, everything went better than we expected. However,we did experience some difficulties such as, doing a perfect tracking shot, a high angle shot and a pan. We also took extra pics, pics 5-13 are all of the location so that we remember where we stopped recording. We took extra shots just in case we experience more difficulties when recording. We did shots that's were not on the storyboard because we thought they worked well and we also know that we might have more shots from different angles in the future. Can't wait for next recording day, have good plans...

P.S. Remember to wear a coat, gloves and appropriate shoes.

Duresh x

Day 1- Filming

So today we started filming our opening scene, and overall i think it went well! We managed to get 5 clips done, and when we looked at them again at the end of the day, they looked greate. And this time we gave ourseleves enough editing options, we shot each clip minimum twice and from different angles.

P.S- Not to self: for when we are filming next, wear proper shoes- my shoes got totally ruined because of the mud, and bring gloves- It was freezing! and bring tissues and a carrier bag to carry everything :)

Im looking forward to filming again. And this time we will be more prepared!


Day 1- Pictures

 Pic. #1
Pic #2
Pic #3
Pic #4
Pic #5
Pic #6
Pic #7
Pic #8
Pic #9
Pic #10
Pic #11
Pic #12
Pic #13
Pic #14


UK Film Council

The UK film Council is the Government backed lead agency  for the film in the UK. These films are effectively represented at home (UK) and abroad. The UK film council was created in the 2000. Sinces its creation, the UK film Council has been the funder of many cultural films. They have backed more than 900 films and entertained more than 200 million people and have helped to generate 700£ million at the box-office, worldwide. Tim Bevan- co-founder and co-chairman of WTF is also the chairman for this.
TimCagney is the managing director. We work with a lot of different partners, for example: BFI, Skillset, First Light and FILMCLUB. With there support, new film makers get the funds they need and creates a wider choice of films for the audience, they also invest in training, promoting Britain as an international filmmaking location and raising the profile of British Films abroad. They have 15million a year to invest across the development, production and completion of feature films.


Dead Man's Shoes- Textual Analysis

The poster of this movie has only 3 main colours: Black, Red and White, and these colours are very dominant! The word "dead" is writtien in red across the black shadow of a man who is holding an ax weapon! this makes the word even more strong and meaningful. When i see this poster, staright away i know that this movie is going to be a thriller.

Filming:Day 1

Today was the first day of filming and we managed to shoot 5 tiles on our storyboard and used lots of different angles and made sure to shoot two different takes to make sure we had lots to work with during edit. We have kept on schedule with filming even though the camera had no battery and we had to wait for it to charge for a while before we could film which lost us some valuable time. We have made good progress today and have sot some good material. I was a little nervous before hand as acting in the film is a big pressure, but hopefully I have done and will do a good job.


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Tormented opening sequence analysis

Tormented was directed by Jon Wright.
The film had an estimated budget of £700,000 and was produced by BBC Films, Pathé and Forward Films.   

Tormented is a low budget British horror released in 2009. It is about a school student who commits suicide after being bullied and ‘tormented’ as the title of the film suggests and comes back to get revenge on the people that bullied him, by sending threatening texts and then murdering them one by one and making the pupils turn on one another in the process.
Tormented begins with head girl Justine, being taken out of the High School by police which establishes the setting and as she is wearing school uniform it is immediately clear she is in high school.
It then cuts to a flashback 5 days earlier and Justine is reading a speech at a funeral for a student who has committed suicide.
This introduces the audience to the dark themes of the film as there is a death introduced within the fist 2 minutes of the film. The speech also shows again that it is a British film through the British accents. The British way of speaking and humour is shown throughout the film through one-liners which is typical of British films.
The use of the flashback in the film shows that there something to be solved with in the plot of the film, in this case that the students are being murdered and throughout the film we see that it is the dead boy killing them, however Justine being arrested suggests to the audience she is the killer. This intrigues the audience and draws them in as there is a mystery to be solved and gaps in the narrative to be filled in. We are going to use a flashback in the film and if it works should have an effect similar effect of intriguing the audience.  


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Audience research

We have decided as a group that our opening sequence will be targeted at 15- 25 year olds. It attracts both genders as the character relates to both girls and boys. We have decided to create our character as a normal girl (we define normal as: she is concerned about time, gets everything done on time, is sporty- can also be related to boys and she is confident). Also sometimes there are moments where she is naïve as she is at the stage of becoming a young adult. The film will be rated 15 so that young people can watch it in cinema.
Becky, Mahida, Sarah and Duresh

My Roles

During the filming of the opening sequence my job is that I’m a stage- hand, I help the character get ready for each shot, I in charge of setting the whole location in front of the camera. I will help change scenes quickly as possible so that we save time.
For the overall process my jobs are that I am the head blogger but everyone has blogged as well, I help instruct everyone so they know what to blog about and when so that we cover everything. I am the planner; I have planned the clothing for the character, the make-up, where the blood will be.  I am also the stagehand; I have created the plans for when we are recording so we use our time appropriately.
Duresh x

Film4 Media institutions

Film4 is a free digital television channel for the UK and Republic Of Ireland. It is operated and owned by Channel 4. Film4 launched on 1st November 1998. The channel has themed nights or seasons in which a number of films centred around one genre, director or actor are shown. This allows the audience figures to grow because different people might want to watch selected films because they are a fan of the genre, actors etc.They have produced a list of films such as: 127 Hours, A Room With A View, Dead Mans Shoes, Elizabeth, Four Weddings and a funeral, My Beautiful Laundrette and many more.
The company's first production was Walter, directed by Stephen Frears, which was released in 1982.
They produce the films they do because they want to attract different audiences whether it be different age groups, gender or those with different interests. As I can see above they have produced a few films with different genres to allow those who love horror,thriller, rom-com etc.

Film4 develops and co-finances films which can suggest how they produce the films; because they are dealing with the financial issues of the films. This therefore allows them to have an input which is what produces do, they have an imput on the film.

My Roles

My roles in the group are (this will have been added on to as the project goes on):
  • Actor in the main film. My group originally wanted to use an someone else however we realized early on that this would not work as they would not be able to get them to work to out timetable as they would be in school themselves. I then offered to step in and I hop I do a good job. 
  • Location. I found the location for the film and took pictures to give the rest of the group an idea about it and help with idea for storyboards and planning. The group really liked my location and it will look really effective in our film. 
  • Script. I wrote the script for the film which was mostly voice-over as the girl is alone during the opening sequence. I wrote the script after we had decided the plot of the film and it hopefully catches the tone of the film.
  • I helped with a lot of the organising of the schedule with Duresh
  • I was part of all the brain storming processes and have helped problem solve during times when things haven't gone to plan.
  • I have helped with editing, everyone in our group helped but Becky was the main editor
  • I have helped with music, everyone in our group listened but as I had already had some ideas about what I wanted the group let me have a bigger say

Character Profile

Scarlet Jones is a typical 17 year old girl, she is friendly, happy and healthy. But like any girl is still looking to better herself, which is what takes her running in the woods on a Sunday morning, in an attempt to improve her health and feel better about herself. This unfortunately leads to her death. Scarlet is young and a little naive, but is smart enough to run away when she hears a noise behind her in the woods, as she has previously been followed and was shaken the first time it happened.

Scarlet has a sad tone when speaking about her death (voice-over). However her personality as a friendly person makes her character a good protagonist and as she is just a normal girl this makes her character relatable.


My Roles

Due to allowing everyone to have a fair share of researching,producing about our opening sequence and the film industry we split the roles up to what we think everyone will do well in.
My role for the filming process is to take still-shots when we are recording the opening sequence that will be used for our evaluation.
I created the storyboard of the different shots that we would use for each scene

My overall job role is: head editor because i want to have the responsibility of how the end product is shown. I created the storyboard of the different shots that we would use for each scene


Character Name

We have had a brain storm of names for our main character. This is what we have come up with:

  • Charlotte Rivers
  • Josie Rivers
  • Emma Jones 
  • Scarlet Jones
  • Scarlet Lee
  • Scarlet Rivers

As a group we really like Scarlet Jones as it sounds normal but is memorable. Scarlet also has connotations of red and can suggest blood. 

Becky, Mahida, Sarah and Duresh

Problems with our shooting timetable

We have just found out that our shooting timetable will not work out as we did not realize that the deadline for using the camera's is Sunday the 27th of February. Before this we had thought the deadline was the 4th of March. This means we have less time to shoot than we had originally planned and will now have to plan differently to make sure we get all the shots in the time we have and make sure we are using our time effectively. We have made plans to have an extra hour of filming this Thursday to give us more time


How to make Blood?

I'm going to make my blood own to be used in film. I will need: Sugar, Syrup and red food colouring.

Duresh x

Monday, 14 February 2011

British Thrillers... Dead Man's Shoe's

Most British films make use of the mise-en-scene the most! This includes the accents, settings and most importantly, London.
Most of the British thriller films are very low budget, an example of a low bidget British Thriller is 'Dead man’s shoe’s'.

Dead Man's Shoes Poster 
Director: Shane Meadows
Movie info: Release date: 1 October 2004 (UK)
Opening weekend gross: $1,825 (USA)
Total Gross (USA): $6,013

But because i couldn't find the opening scene of this move, i will be looking at the trailer... In the trailer of this movie, you hear a voice over of the man talking, and this links in very well with our movie because we are planning on having a voice over in our opening scene, you will hear the girl who is the main character tell the audience her story... "...and this is my story"

Just like typical British movies, this has also used the mise en scene well to show the countryside of Britain. This is the first shot in the opening, and it is a establishing shot. After this shot, you have dramatic sound, and it goes black and white, this is a special affect used, and this shows that they are showing a flash back and looking into their memories, the fact that it goes black and white, it makes the audience feel like they are part of this film.

Also the man who is talking, has the typical British accent, this is also the great use of the mise-en-scene.

Although i havent analysed the opening scene of this movie, i believe that it links in really well with the type of movie we have decided to do. Our opening scene is also meant to be mysterious just like this movie. And it is suppoused to have a thriller/chill vibe to it and we hope to achieve this!


Sunday, 13 February 2011

Script Idea's: Voice Over

So far the idea for the main film is to use a voice over of out main character after she has been killed. So far the script for this means it would be quite short, which is perfect for the shot we are hoping to have it play over. Although we have not come up with a character name yet we will decide on one soon.

The First idea for the voice over is:
My name is ........ and I was just like everyone else, until one day I wasn't anymore. I was happy, I had a good life, it wasn't perfect but it was mine. Until it was taken from me. But lets go back to the beginning. This is the story of how I died.

Another idea for the voice over is:
My name is ........ and that's me lying dead on the ground. I had a good life and I was happy, until it was taken away. But back to where it all started.


Breakdown of the film Plot and Storyboards

This is the idea for the plot of film.
Open on a girl stretching before she goes jogging, she is dressed in sports clothes. She is in an open field with the sun shining behind her.
This then cuts to a shot of the girl jogging in the woods, a couple of different shots of her jogging in the woods, a couple of different shots of her jogging from high and low angles.
The girl stops for a break and takes out her headphones. She then hears snapping of twigs and rustling leaves behind her. The girl calls out and looks around, as she does this the camera rotates around her giving a full view of behind her, but there is nothing to be seen. The girl starts to run again, faster now as the pace of editing too speeds up to show tension. The screen then fades to black and a scream can be heard. The camera then fades in to a shot of the trees above and pans down to see the girl lying dead on the floor, as this is happening a voice over can be heard told by the main character. This then fades to black and the title of the film appears on the screen.

The idea for the reast of the film is the unravelling of the main character's murder. We go back to before her death and find out about her life before and see clues and 'red herrings' as to who could have killed her. The film also looks foward showing reactions to her death and the other character's attempting to unravel the mystery of what happened to her.


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